Prickly Pear Seed Oil 30 ml

Designed to reduce fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes.

CHF 96.00 CHF
Suggested use

Pat a small amount around eye area in the evening and night.

About the product

What is it?

The great do-it-all STOKED ABOUT cold-pressed facial oil, comes from the seeds of the cactus fruits. Our Pure Prickly Pear Seed Oil is sourced in very small batched straight from Morocco. This lightweight oil is great for your skin. It includes antioxidants, vitamins and essential fatty acids, that moisturize and nourish. So, mother nature’s moisturizer has got it all. A ton of Vitamin E & K, zinc, and essential fatty & amino acids, as well as amazingly powerful antioxidants.

Above all, the precious and rare Pure Prickly Pear Seed Oil is rapidly absorbed without leaving a greasy feeling. Furthermore, it’s terrific for all skin types. Even more it’s especially effective at combating acne, irritation, and redness because it is naturally anti-inflammatory.

Hence the chuck full vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants are known to:

  • Restore elasticity
  • Soften, nourish and moisturize skin
  • Tighten pores
  • lighten dark lines under the eyes and minimizes blemishes
  • Reduce fine lines
  • Increase cell turnover
  • brighten your complexion
  • Reduce redness and dryness.
  • Boost cell production and fight free radicals

Did you know?

The process of extracting the fruit from the seeds is a lengthy operation. Each seed only contains 5% oil. It takes a whopping amount of  prickly pear fruits to produce just 1 liter of Pure Prickly Pear Seed Oil. To procure the precious oil, the seeds are extracted by hand and then run through complex machinery specifically designed for this purpose.

Furthermore, the high concentration of Linoleic Acid in Pure Prickly Pear Seeds Oil makes it the most powerful anti-aging oil formed by nature. Linoleic Acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid and is part of the Omega 6 fatty acids. The study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, demonstrated that Linoleic Acid has large benefits on improving senile dryness (skin aging).

Pure Prickly Pear Seed Oil contains the most Vitamin E of any beauty oil on the market, and the highest percentage of unsaturated fatty acids (88 %) – making it an incredibly powerful oil for skin health.

Prickly Pear Seed

How is this product used and is it safe?

Yes this product is safe, and it is used best in the morning and night.

How is this product used and is it safe?

Yes this product is safe, and it is used best in the morning and night.

How is this product used and is it safe?

Yes this product is safe, and it is used best in the morning and night.

How is this product used and is it safe?

Yes this product is safe, and it is used best in the morning and night.

How is this product used and is it safe?

Yes this product is safe, and it is used best in the morning and night.

How is this product used and is it safe?

Yes this product is safe, and it is used best in the morning and night.

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